The Carlos Rosario School’s Board of Trustees is composed of eleven diverse, committed members who are passionate about supporting our students in achieving their dreams and our staff in fulfilling the mission of the School. Board Members bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to their oversight role, and in many cases unique perspectives on the immigrant experience. Serving on the Board is purely voluntary, and we are immensely grateful for the time that our members dedicate to the School in addition to their professional and personal lives. The Board oversees the business and affairs of the organization and has a fiduciary responsibility for the School. For example, in terms of key functions, the Board is responsible for ensuring the School is in compliance with all charter school regulations and approving the annual budget.
Hector Torres – Chair
Absolute Hospitality (Former: Executive Vice-President, Capital Hotels)
Hector Torres brings extensive leadership experience in the hotel and hospitality sectors, along with a long-standing passion for the arts as a painter, theater patron, and newly appointed commissioner for the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities. He is a member of the Board’s Finance & Development Committee. Hector also serves on the Culinary Arts Academy Advisory Committee, where he has supported enrollment expansion and helped develop the state-of-the-art kitchen facilities at the Sonia Gutierrez Campus.
“The work of the Carlos Rosario School is vital. I feel an innate regret that there aren’t more programs like this in the country focused on adult education. The School inspires me because it provides a transition for people to grow and become their very best. As a long-time DC resident, I have witnessed how Carlos Rosario School graduates have optimized their own particular dreams.”
Robbie Dean – Vice-Chair / Treasurer
Director, Research, Evaluation, and Network Learning at Teach For All
An education research and policy expert, Robbie Dean comes to his role with extensive international experience. Robbie provides global support on Teach For All’s approach to research and evaluation, manages the organization’s portfolio of external research and measurement on teacher leadership and student outcomes, and leads learning experiences and events to support data and impact staff across the global network. Based in Washington, DC, Robbie began his career as a bilingual education teacher with Teach For America in Dallas, Texas and taught Spanish language in Spain.
“I serve this board based on my experience as a former bilingual educator working in an international context. I strive to help the school to continue to thrive and to innovate to support students for an evolving and better future.”
Ana Mejia
Entrepreneur, Chef and Educator/Student Board Member
Executive Administrator, National Latino Farmers and Ranchers
Ana Mejia is a Carlos Rosario School graduate from ESL, Culinary Arts, IT Fundamentals, and Small Business and Entrepreneurship Programs. She also has been an active and involved member of the student government. Originally, a Certified Public Accountant from Honduras, Ana worked at financial institutions in her home country for seven years. She focused on international currency, customer service, identifying laundered money, fraud transactions and documents. Ana is currently working as an Executive Administrator in a non-profit based in Washington DC and providing administrative services to the farmers market manager at the University of District of Columbia – UDC VAN NESS. She is running her canning/food business called Mena’s Boys Gourmet at the UDC VAN NESS Farmers Market. She is also a consultant offering services to chefs, educating in culinary basics.
“I would like to give back to the community because I have been a student for many years and all that I have learned has had a great impact in my life, for the better. The Carlos Rosario School has impacted the community enormously because it provides many immigrants access to better opportunities, salaries, improved family life quality and their confidence.”
Alejandra Barrera
Program and Financial Compliance Officer, Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids
Alejandra Barrera, a Carlos Rosario School alumna from Colombia, attended ESL Level 8 and Vocabulary classes, graduating in 2018. She was an active participant in our Mentor/Mentee Program. Currently, Alejandra is a Program and Financial Compliance Officer at an international public health advocacy nonprofit in Washington, D.C. In this position, she manages a portfolio of grants to advance public health policies in low and middle-income countries in Latin America and South East Asia. Prior to working in the nonprofit sector, Alejandra worked as a legislative assistant at the Council of the District of Columbia. Alejandra studied economics with an emphasis on public policy in Cali, Colombia. She is also a graduate of the School of Public Affairs at American University where she mastered in public administration and policy.
“As an immigrant myself from Colombia, and former English student at Carlos Rosario International Public Charter School, I understand the importance of supporting the diverse immigrant community in Washington D.C. I know firsthand that education is the pathway for success, and would like to see every immigrant have every chance to fulfill their dreams, achieve their full potential and be a part of a prosperous and thriving community. I’m so proud to join as a board member to help support this beautiful mission of the school.”
Yeshimebeth T. Belay (Mama Tutu) – Member
Founder, Ethiopian Yellow Pages
Mama Tutu was born in Ethiopia and came to the United States as a young adult to attend university in Louisiana. After graduating, she moved to Washington, DC and created the Ethiopian Yellow Pages, a central hub of resources and information for the region’s large Ethiopian community. Her background in business management and immigrant inclusion is integral to her role on the Board, where she serves as a member of the Governance & Nominating Committee. Mama Tutu also helped establish the Carlos Rosario School’s new partnership with CTTI, a counterpart school in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia that prepares students for careers in the tourism and hospitality sectors. This partnership is a primary element of the District’s sister city agreement with Addis Ababa.
“I serve on the Board because it is very important to me that adult immigrants have a specialized place to learn, offering high-quality education, supportive services, and caring staff to help students achieve their dreams. People look up to me as a community leader, and I feel good connecting them to the School, knowing they will have the chance to be a part of this special place and will encourage others to do the same.”
Giovanni A. Delfino – Member
Educator, Small Business Advocate and Consultant
Giovanni Delfino brings outstanding experience in organizational management, business development, analysis of market behavior, consumer behavior and decision-making, and economic policy to his role on the Board. Originally from Lima, Peru, Giovanni was introduced to the Carlos Rosario School through his career in business development consulting and work supporting Hispanic development organizations. He has worked as a consultant, published an informational platform for business news and insights, and produces periodic business news shows and segments for radio, television, and digital media. Giovanni graduated from Montgomery College with an associate degree in Business Administration and International Business.
“I serve on the Board because I feel aligned to the mission and inspired to do more for our community. The work of the school is important because it contributes to the development and integration of the immigrant communities to the DC economy and job market.”
John Goodman – Member
Senior Managing Director, past CEO and Chairman of the Board, Accenture Federal Services
John Goodman served as CEO and Chairman of the Board of Accenture Federal Services between November 2017 and August 2024. During this time, the company more than doubled in size, grew its workforce to more than 16,000 people, and rose from No. #13 to No. #9 on the Washington Technology Top 100 federal industry list (May 2024). Under John’s leadership, Accenture Federal Services put clients at the forefront of change, harnessed next-generation technologies and proven commercial innovation to deliver value, created a great culture and experience for people to grow and thrive, and acquired both Novetta and Cognosante. John is a long-time resident of Washington, DC.
“The impact of Carlos Rosario on Washington, DC’s immigrant community is inspiring. Carlos Rosario School puts each student at the center of a caring community and supports them as a whole person. By helping students thrive, Carlos Rosario School also helps create stronger families and communities for this generation and the next.”
Allison R. Kokkoros – Member Ex Officio
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Carlos Rosario International Public Charter School
Allison Kokkoros is an educator and an ed-entrepreneur at heart who believes in the transformative power of adult education for learners, their children, the workforce, and our society. She brings 20+ years of experience in adult education and immigrant integration to her work at the helm of the Carlos Rosario School. Under her leadership, the School has grown to serve more than 2,500 diverse students annually and expanded to offer new programs and services including Bilingual Teacher Training and the Puentes Exchange Programs with counterpart schools in El Salvador and Ethiopia. Allison serves on the Board’s Strategic Planning & Oversight Committee, and as an ex officio member of the Board, supports all committees and the Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Taskforce.
“I am proud to lead an extraordinarily dedicated and compassionate team. Together we are building upon the foundation of excellence at our School and adapting to meet the community and regions’ needs now in 2020/21 and going forward. For me, a fierce commitment to results for our students in an environment of love and respect is what excellence looks like at the Carlos Rosario School.”
Cesar Lopez-Morales – Member
Counsel, Supreme Court & Appellate at Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP
Cesar Lopez-Morales is an attorney with more than a decade of experience in both government and private practice. He currently serves as a Counsel in Orrick’s DC office, where he is a member of the firm’s Supreme Court & Appellate Group and handles high-stakes appeals and critical motions across the country. Before joining the firm, Cesar worked in the U.S. Department of Justice’s Civil Division, where he represented the U.S. and its agencies against challenges to the legality of federal laws, actions, and programs. He also has worked as a judicial law clerk in federal trial and appellate courts, as well as for Associate Justice Sonia Sotomayor in the U.S. Supreme Court. Cesar holds a Bachelor’s degree in International Politics from Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service and a Juris Doctor from Boston University School of Law. Born and raised in Puerto Rico, Cesar is especially passionate about the rights of the residents in the U.S. territories, a subject on which he focuses regularly as part of his legal practice and academic scholarship.
“My parents instilled in me from an early age the importance of education and community engagement. I have taken those lessons to heart throughout my life and professional career. The Carlos Rosario School shares those same values by empowering its students and transforming the immigrant communities it serves. For that reason, I am honored to serve on this board and look forward to helping the School fulfill its potential.”
Ingrid Toledo – Member
Managing Director and Chief Audit Executive, Accenture Federal Services (AFS)
Ingrid Toledo is a proud Latina Leader with 24+ years of experience in the DC Metro area currently serving as the Chief Audit Executive at Accenture Federal Services (AFS). In this role, Ingrid oversees the Financial, Operational, Information Technology, and Information Security audits for AFS and reports directly to the Audit Committee of the AFS Board of Directors. Ingrid holds a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting, an MBA with an emphasis in Technology Management, is a licensed CPA in the state of Virginia, and holds the Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) and Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) certifications. Ingrid also gives back to the profession by serving as Adjunct Faculty in the School of Business teaching accounting courses in the American Public University System to undergraduate civil and military students.
“In the 24 years I have lived and worked in the DC metro area, I have been touched by many stories of immigrants who come to this country looking for better lives for themselves and their families. I have seen firsthand how much they sacrifice to try to make it and the grit and desire to succeed they bring along. Providing them with a chance is not just nice, but the right thing to do.”
Larry Villegas – Member
Activist, Executive Leader, Mental Health Practitioner, Public Health Adviser, Educator, Life Coach
Better known as Larry VP, Larry Villegas-Perez hails from Venezuela and is of Native American, Latino, and Middle Eastern descent. He brings more than 20 years of experience in the public health field. Larry has provided executive coaching, strategic planning, and training for projects within the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), D.C. Government, and other organizations across 23 U.S. cities.
His educational background includes a Bachelor of Science degree in both Nursing and Psychology, as well as a Master of Science in Mental Health Counseling-Psychology. His multifaceted career path has included the administration and management of Federal and District of Columbia (DC51) grants and contracts from numerous entities.
“I serve because I believe that the mission of the school, its holistic educational approach, and the social impact throughout its years building good characters align with my beliefs and life ethics: We all have the potential, we just need the opportunity!”
Vilma Rosario – Member
Civil and Equal Rights Advocate
Vilma Rosario has been a part of the Carlos Rosario School family her entire life, as she is the daughter of our original founder and school namesake. Born in Puerto Rico, her commitment to social justice began during childhood in Washington, DC through witnessing the challenges faced by immigrants in her community. This influenced her career as a civil rights activist, focusing on issues such as access to translation services, housing displacement, and discrimination in the election system. Vilma serves on the Board’s Governance & Nominating Committee, as well as the Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Taskforce.
“What inspires me the most about the School is the positive energy that is displayed by the faculty and students. Whenever I visit classrooms, it is beautiful to see the sincerity of the teachers as they are explaining the lessons and the interest demonstrated by our students to learn.”
Johan Uvin – Member
Educational Leader
(Former: President, Institute for Educational Leadership;
Acting Assistant Secretary for the Office of Career, Technical,
and Adult Education (OCTAE); U.S. Department of Education)
Johan Uvin contributes deep expertise in adult education and workforce development to his role on the Board. During his career, he has taught ESL to immigrants and refugees, held leadership roles in state and federal agencies, and most recently, headed a national nonprofit. Johan was born in Belgium and came to the United States as a young adult for graduate studies. He serves on the Board’s Finance & Development Committee, Strategic Planning & Oversight Committee, and Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Taskforce.
“The Carlos Rosario School model and the way it is being implemented is something that should be available in all communities to all immigrants and refugees. Throughout my career, I have visited hundreds of adult programs across the country, and currently, there is no other school that is so effective in working with immigrant and refugee learners.”
Jane García
Alberto Gómez
Sonia Gutiérrez
Pedro Luján†
Photographs: Rodney Choice/Choice Photography