The Carlos Rosario School celebrated a Voter Registration and Education Fair this past September 27th. Around 50 people, most of them immigrants, were able to register or update their voter information during the event. Since last spring, through our civic engagement campaign, we have registered 119 people.
“We aim to be a community hub, where members of the DMV and especially English language learners can find the tools and resources needed to make their voices heard in both the local and national elections this year,” said Allison Kokkoros, CEO of the School.
Throughout the day, the DC Board of Elections registered voters and informed the community about volunteering oppotunities. Attendees were also able to practice voting with an electronic machine.
“It’s good to bring out the community at an event like this,” said Alex Martínez, a naturalized student of the Carlos Rosario School. “It’s important that people know that in the future they can have the opportunity to vote.”
Various nonprofit organizations joined the efforts. CARECEN informed the immigrant community about its citizenship programs. The Mayor’s Office on Latino Affairs announced the launch of a civic engagement web portal. The National Council of La Raza was also on hand to support this community effort.
“It was a very welcoming event. Being amongst so many cultures, that it’s a multicultural event, makes you feel welcome,” said Denise Ortiz, a community member who came to the event with her husband and son. “They made of voting something fun, something that is not so scary.”
You can see photos of the event on Flickr.